Deploy import

Use this endpoint to import deploys using a CSV file.

Delete all existing deploys in your Code Deployment and create a new history with only the deploys you specify via a CSV file. This might be useful if you wish to populate more than the default 28-days' worth of data when creating a new Code Deployment in Sleuth, or when you want to only import specific deploys, and don't want to register them individually.



The endpoint path takes 2 slugs which direct the deploys to the correct code deployment:

  • ORG_SLUG: found in the URL of your Sleuth org, immediately following

  • DEPLOYMENT_SLUG: found in the URL, following the prefix





Can be found in the Organization Settings -> Details -> Api Key field in your Sleuth org.



The attached CSV file containing the list of deploys to import.



The Sleuth environment slug. Defaults to the primary environment of the project.

Importing deploys into a pre-populated code deployment will delete all existing deploys in that code deployment and create a new history with only the deploys specified in the CSV file.

CSV File Structure

The deploys should be imported using a CSV file that is uploaded as part of the request. The CSV file should contain the headers sha and date, the sha column should contain the full SHA of the commits at the point of release, and the date column should contain the date and time of the deploy in the ISO 8601 format.

Example CSV file


Make sure you replace the values surrounded by< and >with your own values. Adjust the csv_file path accordingly or run the command from the directory that contains the csv_file.

When using the Organization API token found under Organization Settings > Details, the Authorization header needs to pass the API key via apikey e.g. Authorization: apikey <APIKEY>

When using API tokens created under Organization Settings > Access Tokens the Authorization header needs to pass the API token via Bearer e.g. Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>

cURL with API key in Header
curl \
'<ORG_SLUG>/<DEPLOYMENT_SLUG>/import_deploys' \
  -H 'Authorization: apikey <APIKEY>' \
  -F 'csv_file=@<FILENAME>.csv'
cURL with API key in Body
curl \
'<ORG_SLUG>/<DEPLOYMENT_SLUG>/import_deploys' \
  -F 'api_key=<API_KEY>' \
  -F 'csv_file=@<FILENAME>.csv'

Last updated