Azure AD Configuration

Steps to follow

Create a new Enterprise Application

Sign into Azure as an administrator and click on the "Azure Active Directory" tile.

In the left-hand menu click on "Enterprise Applications" and then click "New application". On the next page click "Create your own application". Name your application (e.g., Sleuth), select the "Integrate any other application you don't find in the gallery (Non-gallery)" option, and click "Create":

Set up Single Sign-On

Once the application is created, you'll be taken to its homepage. Click the "2. Set up single sign on" tile (alternatively, you can click the "Single sign-on" link in the left-hand navigation):

When prompted, select "SAML" as the single sign-on method, then proceed with one of the 2 options explained below:

Click the "Upload metadata file" button to trigger the file import modal, select the file to upload, and click "Add":

Once the file is uploaded, you'll see a preview of the imported metadata. If needed/desired, you can still make changes, although it generally shouldn't be necessary.

One optional field that doesn't get populated automatically is "Relay State"; you can specify it manually by inputting your Sleuth org slug (find it in your URL -><org-slug>) and clicking "Save" at the top:

Configure Attributes & Claims

Leave the Attributes & Claims section configured as it is, the settings should look like this:

Keeping the Unique User Identifier claim set to user.userprincipalname is a prerequisite for your SAML configuration to work with Sleuth.

Enter Azure's metadata into Sleuth

Similarly as before, you can again choose between pointing Sleuth to a URL where the IdP's metadata is now available, or entering the metadata into Sleuth manually.

In Azure on the "SAML Certificates" tile under your Enterprise Application, copy the value of the "App Federation Metadata Url" field:

In Sleuth, click the "point Sleuth to metadata file URL" link to trigger the input modal and paste the copied URL into the field, then click "Save":

The remaining fields in Sleuth will get populated automatically, just click "Test Metadata and Save":

Sleuth defaults all of the Advanced configuration to the most commonly used values, but depending on your IdP configuration you might need to adjust "Advanced settings".

Assign Users/Groups to the Enterprise Application

On the Application's homepage click the "1. Assign users and groups" tile (alternatively, you can click the "Users and groups" link in the left-hand navigation):

Click the "+Add user/group" button and assign Users/Groups as needed:

Last updated